Monday, November 17, 2008

A Fairy-Tale Evening

It is going to require multiple posts to even begin to tell the story of The Cinderella Ball this past Saturday evening, and we are still recovering from the bliss of it all, but for far away friends who have been patiently waiting for a peek at the princesses and their daddies, here are just a few snapshots and stories. As beautiful as the girls were, their escorts' obvious love for each outshined all of the sparkle and glitter...

Tiny princesses, some of whom had never met before the Ball, spontaneously joined hands and twirled around the dance floor in a ring.

Older girls practiced their dancing with Dads who sang along with the music, or even shed a tear or two.

Every Cinderella had her own Prince Charming whose aim was to make a dream come true that evening.

A fabulous uncle outbid everyone to win his princess the American Girl Doll "Kit"!

A splendid grandpa escorted two grand-daughters and danced with both at once all evening. Their grandma had made their beautiful gowns just for the ball. How loved are they?!

In all, 220 guests were in attendance!

The Cinderella Ball was an evening to remember, and by God's grace the $3900 raised will be used through Shaohannah's Hope to place some lonely little one in a forever-family of their own, where they will experience the very kind of fatherly love that filled a ballroom...

Once upon a time on November 15th, 2008.

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