Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Everyone Should Have A Miss Sue

Sue is one of our very favorite people. She has the biggest heart for children and our kids' childhoods have been punctuated by regular and special events initiated by Sue. For about ten years now she has coordinated our Kids' Klub at church and has faithfully taught our kiddoes on a weekly basis since the time that our teenagers were kindergarteners. She is the kind of "back-up" that every parent should pray for. Our kids know that they can go to Sue at anytime and they will find a caring friend who gives wise advice and is so much fun to boot. She has executed the most spectacular parties which are the highlights of many a child's social calendar.

Sue and her sweet sister

She is a superhero- hauling busloads of rambunctious kids to camp each spring, planning service projects, and dressing up as just about anything if it will delight the kids and entice them to listen to her Bible story or memorize just one more verse. It is the highest honor to receive the weekly "Secret Seat" award and choose a prize from Miss Sue's box.

Oh, and did I mention that the girl can bake? Oh yes she can. When S. asked her to help with The Ball by baking her custom iced sugar cookies, it was Sue to the rescue once again.

Now these aren't just any sugar cookies. Sue makes each one by hand over the course of several days; first cutting and baking them, then piping the edges, then filling and glittering. She created TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY glass slipper cookies for the Father-Daughter Ball in honor of her own Daddy, who passed away at a young age.

Thank you, Miss Sue for all that you are to us!

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