Yard sales fascinate me. They are such a social phenomenon, I think. We collect belongings along our way and at varying times we assemble them on our front lawns for 5-10% of their original retail value.

As an avid people-watcher, I love to watch the seasons of life that are represented in the odd lots...baby gear, cast-off shower gifts, obsolete electronics, disregarded doilies, out-grown or out-of-style clothes.

I am amused by the ones that have exorbitant price tags, as if the owner is in denial of the fact that they have carried all of the wares out onto their front lawn on the way to the inevitable curbside or Goodwill bin. I am touched by the ones conducted by loved ones at an estate sale who tell me fond stories of the memories attached to the items I am buying.

I find a false sense of security in thinking that our economy can only be so bad if we have the ability to manufacture, import, distribute, advertise, purchase, consume, and dispense of all of this marginal stuff.

thermos like my grandpop's, pitcher like my grandmom's
victorian lady's capelet
handmade quilt
butterfly quilt
chenille bedspread

And the people who attend them. Aggressive dealers and ebayers, hobbyists, migrant workers, seniors, and pleasure-seekers like me.

I'm thankful that the kinds of material things I most enjoy are pretty readily available for pennies on sunshiney autumn mornings. And thankful for a dear husband who smiles at my finds just because he knows they delight me.
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