Sunday, January 31, 2010

funny face

This photo of a certain boy's amazing playdough creation has nothing to do with the content of this post except that it makes me happy, just like the multitudinous flock of geese which just flew their rumps over my house, honking in the sunshine. Yes, I said SUNSHINE! Narnia is melting and hope of spring is evident in that we may have crested 40 degrees this noon!
Similarly, I have had the joy of witnessing the power of encouragement this week. It is as mighty as the sunbeams which soften the stubbornest ice crystals.
The overwhelmed mommy-friend who stood stunned by my to-me-obviously rhetorical question, "You do know that you're children are extraordinary, don't you?". I got a hug for that one. Who knew that was all she needed to fuel her on to the next stop?
And what a fun experiment in encouragement to go on-line and find a Pizza Hut half a country away which would deliver surprise pizza to the children of a flu-bound friend! The warmth of her little boy's sweet voice on the phone, "Thank you for loving on us," melted my heart clear over on the East Coast.
And on serious occasions when vain imaginations of scary things that the future may hold seem to prevail, Fear himself with his threatening fangs is rendered toothless by friends who promise the precious gifts of prayer and hand-holding.
Our mere words can give Life and Courage, powered by the Heart of Heaven.

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